Building leaders who rebuild and strengthen communities!

Early this April, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, began issuing her executive orders called “Safer at Home” in response to Covid-19. This resulted in some local curfews, shelter at home mandates unless an essential worker, reduced capacity in most stores,  and more recently mask requirements. All in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19 so our emergency responders and health care systems are not overwhelmed.

Safer at home. A beautiful thought for most of us. But what if your home is unsafe? What if it leaks? What if it is cold in the winter and unbearably hot in the summer? What if you are supposed to stay indoors because what is outside is dangerous but what if what is inside is not much better? Finally, what if you need to make repairs but not enough funds come in each month? Is it really safer at home? How can we help families become safer at home?

By joining ARM in our annual No More Shacks Campaign, you can! To refresh your memory, we live in shacks for a week in downtown Auburn to replicate what it is like living in substandard housing. It is a campaign to educate others about the struggles our most vulnerable people face with their homes and a major fundraiser so we can continue repairing their homes. Homes like Mr. Larry (pictured above) whose family lost his in last year’s tornado. It became unlivable after his tarps blew off and water leaked throughout his home. His family of 5 are currently residing in a rental unit waiting to rebuild. Giving during No More Shacks can help him and others. Below shows the ways how you can help him rebuild and get his family back in a home.

Three ways you can help and make homes safer while families stay at home:

-Online giving:  Text “give” 334-459-9366  Venmo cash app @arm-al

– Become an individual fundraiser: A simple and fast platform to help raise funds with your peers:

– If local to Auburn, drop by where you can also give at a donation box (check or cash).

These are ways you can help families who need to be safer at home, be safe! It is the way you can stop poverty from destroying homes and families. It is how you can extend Jesus’ love to others! See the 3-minute video.

Thanks so much!


P.S. Thanks again for working to rebuild homes and strengthen families for God’s Glory! For more details see A hands- on service day occurs Oct. 17th and we will serve in Lee County from 8-4 rain or shine. Contact to register or for details!


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