The A-Team, a group of volunteers from Auburn UMC, has been partnering with ARM for close to 20 years. The team is led by Paul Schrantz who is a member of our board. In October, the A-Team began serving with Mrs. Simmons and completed a wheel chair ramp. The A-Team returned in November to repair floor coverings in several rooms. Paul says, “It is working with wonderful people like Mrs. Simmons and seeing the joy on her face as she utilizes her recently completed ramp. This ramp allowed her to get outside of her house for the first time in months and it is her genuine joy and gratitude for our work that continues to bless the A-Team participants.”

When asked what these repairs meant for her, Mrs. Simmons says, “Words don’t even exist to describe how I feel!” She is so elated and grateful for the repairs. Before the ramp was built, she could not get out of her home without assistance. New floors will mean that she no longer has to walk barefoot in her home to avoid falls – she can wear her house slippers again! When asked about the A-Team, Mrs. Simmons said, “God puts people in our path to let us know He is real.” What a blessing it is to extend Christ’s love with Mrs. Simmons! We are so thankful for the compassionate service of our volunteers like the A-Team. If your church is interested in serving like the A-Team, contact Joe at 334.501-4276 or



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