Day 7( Recap from Thursday)

I awoke that morning knowing it was my last day. Last day to sleep outside, last day to have to wash up in a large sink, last day to have to trek to the bathroom from outside, last day to be warmed by a fire. Living in the shack takes away certain amenities I am used to and makes daily chores more time consuming because it adds more steps…sometimes literally. The best benefit was having my meals brought to me :)) Not having to cook was a special blessing! Back to that morning. Although we still needed nearly $19,000 to reach our goal, I was hopefully optimistic. I also knew, that like “manna”, God knows what we need and how much we need. His provision is always right.

But there is so much more than just the financial part. I think what became most meaningful to me was getting to teach and share the “why” of what we do. It was looking into the eager eyes of those 7th grade girls watching the Bible come to life for them as we shared the consequences of overlooking people and not using our God given influence for Kingdom work (Luke 16:19-51). It was retelling the starfish story and why I wear that pendent on my necklace. Next year, I believe I want to teach more!

Yet again I was touched by so many. It was great to see Rev. Rob Couch and Crystal Couch, wonderful friends of mine that I went to school with at Auburn. We were all part of the AU Wesley Foundation and now in ministry. Even Rob’s mom, Gibbs came by! And now I know who to have to draw a crowd! Gibbs is obviously very proud of her son and the way God is using her family. Later, Margaret Vollenweider came and sat with me. She teaches children’s development at AU and has been helpful in developing internships that augment our day camp. Both she and her husband have been faithful in the gospel and in supporting our ministry. Another pastor friend, Rev. Olivia Pool Reneau also came by and we reached out to a few common friends that gave on her behalf. If you watched the fun AU phenomena with “The Mustache Guy” then you would have gotten a kick out of him joining us from 3:30-4:30 yesterday. Lucas serves as a youth director at Mt. Zion UMC where Olivia mentioned above pastors. He will be going to seminary in August after graduation.

I ended the evening by eating dinner at the Auburn Wesley Foundation. Since they let me sleep on their lawn and take over their prayer chapel with all my supplies, it seemed fitting to say thank you in this way. Plus, we were doing a small plug on summer staff. Saturday is Make A Difference Day and represents the heart of what we do. Over one hundred volunteers will spread out over our community working at 13 different sites tomorrow on Saturday.

So, I end with many thanks for those who donated, spread the word, brought me meals, came by to say hello, painted, or sent me a nice note of encouragement. I am grateful for our ministry team of Joe, Jeremiah, Abby, Rebecca, Nancy, Jennifer, and Leo who helped me accomplish this. It has meant the world and is a team effort! Let’s keep working together so that all people have a place to call home that is safe, warm, and dry! Keep extending the love of Christ wherever you are! Oh, and we are up to $47,473.00 now with more coming in!

Grace and peace from the shack!


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