Black Friday, Cyber Monday… Giving Tuesday! We are so thankful for so many who have given to ARM already in recent weeks to make our Sweet Homes for Alabama Campaign a big success. But, this is a special opportunity for giving that we just had to share!

Each year on Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, we make a push to give through the Advance of the UM Church which sponsors missionaries and special mission endeavors throughout the world. ARM is one of those endeavors.

This year we have a $5000 match gift.

To double your gift to ARM with these funds, just click the link below (or the image on the left) to make your gift online through the United Methodist Church. Just click the “Give Now” button on the link that opens. The matching funds go fast, so you may want to set an alarm to wake up extra early!

We can’t say thanks enough to all those who have so faithfully joined us this year with their prayers, hard work, and financial gifts!

CLICK HERE on November 29th 2016 to Double Your #GivingTuesday Gift to ARM


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