For several years now, ARM has partnered with I Am My Brother’s Keeper (IAMBK), a local non-profit that provides family and youth services to disadvantaged and minority members in Lee and Macon Counties. IAMBK’s Leap for the Stars Tutoring program provides academic help to children grades K-12. IAMBK Tuskegee, which started fall tutoring classes September 15, is now located at the recently renovated Tuskegee Methodist Church. 
IAMBK focuses on helping children to improve math and literacy skills through one-on-one study sessions with tutors from Tuskegee University. The program runs Monday and Wednesday evenings for two hours. 
ARM’s involvement has included providing the space for tutoring classes and volunteering to work with the children. During the summer, we work with many of the same children at Sonshine Kids Day Camp, to continue improving academic skills and offering the kids fun and enriching activities. 
As this new school year is still just beginning, please pray for the children who attend the tutoring program through IAMBK, as well as the dedicated tutors. ARM looks forward to continuing our partnership with this fantastic organization. Striving for quality education and opportunities for children plays a vital role in our vision to end poverty and promote positive growth in rural communities.



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