Just another manic Monday- total is $40,051

Rain bounced off the blue tarped roof of my little shack in the early morning. A mosquito buzzed against my ear and drew blood from my unshielded face creating a nice welt. Somehow an ear plug fell out accentuating the morning routine of dumpster trucks slamming metal and grating iron while cars sloshed water as they passed by. Waiting for the rain to subside, I made a mad dash into Wesley to start my morning routine of getting ready for the day.

After working through Nate all day yesterday, I was disappointed to see all the rain-although we need it. It keeps me from sitting outside and talking with people and putting out the material that tells our story, that tells Ms. Sanford’s story.

Media coverage for the shack last year was awesome. This year, despite several press releases, emails, and tweets to press contacts, we just do not seem newsworthy. Maybe because of recent disasters, maybe because we do not seem new, maybe repairing someone’s home who has few funds does not seem too significant. It is hard to tell. These culminating events have led to a decrease in the fundraising momentum we have experienced the past few years.

This morning I was reading in Mark 8 where Jesus heals a blind man. In previous healings, it came instantaneously and completely. In this situation, Jesus spits and puts his hands on his eyes. The man says he can see people walking around that look like trees. Jesus puts his hand over the man’s eyes again and he is completely restored. Such a curious display of Jesus’ healing power. Did this progression relate to the man’s faith and therefore take two iterations? Was this saying something about the way Jesus heals; that there are times when healing is progressive? Maybe a little bit of both.

What I thought about is that sometimes Jesus provides over time. Some things may not be instantaneous but progressive and over time. As I ponder our fundraising this fall and in light of all the disasters, maybe God will provide more over time, ensuring we have just what we need when we need it. The passage directly after this healing story has Jesus asking his disciples “who do others say that I am” and then asking them “who do you say that I am”. You are the Christ, the Messiah. In that truth is the assurance of who Jesus is, his direct identity and a confidence that God is in the business of caring and providing. Even if the funds are slow (and I am certainly ok if we get a surprising funding surge as we close), we know that we are loving our neighbors and especially the materially poor. We are living out the commands of loving our neighbors and reaching out to those who struggle. We are serving Jesus as we serve with the poor. I believe our faithfulness will be matched and certainly exceeded with God’s faithfulness even if it takes a little longer.

Cheers to a wet day-we needed the rain and I will try not to let it put a damper on our efforts today. Instead, I will think of our families and all those who have struggled when the rain, wind, and water cannot be contained. Prayers for ARM, for Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and more.

Let’s see what happens today!

Grace and peace- lisa


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