Day 1

Nothing beats a fire pit on a chilly October start. Add steaming hot Folger’s and the company of friends trying to help you meet a goal and you have a recipe for a great experience. This is the part of ministry that brings all the work and effort home-even if we have just started with our campaign!

Last night was nothing beyond special. Members of our board, our ministry team, and some of my closest friends gathered around to pray and anoint our time by asking for the Holy Spirit’s blessing. We prayed for the specific needs to be met and for the financial provisions needed to serve more families. As we grasped hands around the fire pit and called upon God to meet these needs we also prayed for the families we serve. Each one of our families are so special and we love each one. I’ll be sharing some of their stories this week as well.

I know that God is blessing these efforts. Each gift, no matter how big or how small, comes with great love and is used for a Kingdom impact. Thank you for all that has already been given and all that is to come!

Mr. Jimmy Aulner stayed in the “guest” shack last night and Christened our week. He is an Assistant Principal, serves on our board and we met over 20 years ago in the Alabama National Guard. His family is incredibly faithful  to ARM and missions in general. As far as the night went, Auburn is on Fall break so it was not as loud on Saturday night as it has been in the past. The music ended around 1:00am this time. We actually were able to get a few hours of sleep!

Overall, good stuff! We have raised $4488 so far and I feel more is about to come!

Well are well on our way to raising our $50,000. Please feel free to pass this on-even one of your friends giving $10 or $20 helps us buy the construction materials needed to repair homes. Gifts are tax deductible and you can easily give online at

Thanks again and we’ll touch base again!

Jimmy shacks with us tonight!

Jimmy shacks with us tonight!




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