Special Room

The night air snapped against her face as she drew her thin cloak tightly around her shoulders to keep the remaining heat close to her. Pain convulsed through her body and she let out a yell while another series of contractions racked through her. Balancing gingerly on the tired burrow she exclaimed, “Joseph, hurry!!!!” After beating frantically on several doors and finally coming to a small hostel, Joseph found his only option; the only place left where there might be some shelter was a tiny shed filled with livestock. It was no place to have a child, but it would have to do.

How many people each night search frantically for a place where they can take rest, find comfort, and be protected from the outside elements? How many are seeking a helping hand during a hard time? How many times do their cries go unheard, are doors closed in their face, and the words “I am sorry, I do not have room-find help somewhere else,” are regrettably spoken to them?

Reflecting on the story of Mary and Joseph and the Advent of our Savior King reminds me so vividly that Jesus knows. He is aware of the hardships of our elderly, the fatherless,  widows, and the most marginalized in our towns and communities. He knows of the influence, resources, and power maintained by those who could change it; make a difference and make it right. As followers of Jesus, are we committed as an act of loving obedience to see, hear, and respond to the cries of our neighbors?  As we approach Christmas, I pray we all will have tender hearts to see and hear.  I pray we have the wisdom to respond appropriately. Most of all, that we will have a space for Jesus in whatever way he comes for rest, comfort, and hospitality. We pray you, your family,  and loved ones have special and tender Christmas.

Until His return,



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