Dear Day Camp Sponsors,

We are so grateful for your support of Sonshine Kids Day Camp this summer! Through your partnership as a day camp sponsor, the love of Christ was extended in so many ways through so many people as we played games, made crafts, sang songs, danced, practiced reading and writing, and brought the Bible to life each and every day. This summer was all about being a COGPOW – a Child of God, Person of Worth. Instead of finding our worth in what we achieve, our kids were encouraged through stories of COGPOWs from the Bible and modern-day times to find their worth in God as His beloved children. This message was reinforced each day by dozens of tangible expressions of love and compassion shared among the children, our summer ministry team, and youth mission teams. What a blessing it is to be known and loved by our Creator God and to share that love with others!

This summer, 113 day camp sponsors – individuals, families, Sunday school classes, VBS groups, and whole churches – came together to provide a fun, safe, nurturing, and loving summer for 58 day camp kids in Livingston and Tuskegee! In Tuskegee, we were blessed to serve with 3 day camp counselors and 2 counselors-in-training – high-school students from Tuskegee who volunteered to serve. Our Livingston camp also had 3 day camp counselors and 2 counselors-in-training.

One of the day camp counselors at each site was an adult from the local community. In Tuskegee, we asked Ms. Andrea, who we met last year through our home repair ministry, to join our team after learning of her teaching background. Another one of our home repair ministry friends, Ms. Bernice, served as Ms. Andrea’s driver traveling 60 miles every day throughout the summer! In Livingston, one of our former summer interns, Ms. Adrienne, came back to serve again during her summer break. She graduated from the University of West Alabama in Livingston and is now a full-time elementary teacher. God was so good to open the doors for Ms. Andrea and Ms. Adrienne to serve with the day camp!

As the summer ended, both day camps enjoyed a fun field trip to the Birmingham Zoo! You can see their group pictures from the field trip shown below. It was a very hot day, but the children loved it anyway! After our field trips, both sites hosted their closing celebrations, which featured potluck dinners and presentations of songs, dances, and skits from the day camp children! It was fun night of fellowship and gave the kids a chance to give us a glimpse of some of the things they learned over the summer.

I invite you to take a few minutes to watch our 2017 day camp video posted above! If you would like a DVD, please contact us by emailing Joe at or call at (334) 501-4276 x100.

We really cannot say it enough – thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for your prayers, your generosity, and for your heart for these children. May God bless you as you continue to seek His kingdom and shine the light of His love wherever you go!

Livingston camp at the zoo!

Tuskegee camp at the zoo!



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