Day 5 (Tuesday recap)-The grace to understand…

Just a short video for ya!

Well, It guess it is like the bottom of the 8th as I write. The total this morning is $25,296. Very encouraged as we chip away but ready to go home.  This can be fun for a few days but fatigue sets in after awhile. The smoke from the fire leaves a constant burn in my throat and everything wreaks of smoke…sleeping bag, blankets, jacket, me…

Noises from the downtown traffic rarely stops. By 4:00am the large dumpster trucks and street sweepers come through. There really is not a such thing as a restful night. Ear plugs help…The weather has been wacky. I have shivered, cuddled by the fire and yet have a sunburn. Basically, this is hard.

Living in poverty is hard. Out here, I don’t know what my next meal is going to be (friends are bringing me food and a steady fix of coffee), but I know it is coming. Some of it has been healthy, some of it has not. I have been anxious about our fundraiser…we really do need these funds so we can keep on serving families. I feel the pinch of low cash flow both personally and for our ministry. I am sure you have felt that pinch as well. For the families we serve-it is not a pinch-it’s a squeeze that leaves them feeling anxious and unsure. It is a widowed grandmother wondering if the floor in her bathroom is going to hold up one more day. It is wondering if she will always have to catch the draining water under her sink. It is the mother deciding between missing work or taking her child to the doctor. The choices are rarely easy and they are always with us.

Yesterday a woman originally from Rwanda stopped by the shack and our info table. Her eyes reflected a knowledge about a deep poverty she had once experienced. Being honest about her inability to give at this time, she took a brochure to ask how she could come help and we told her about our upcoming work day on Saturday. She assured me that although she was low on funds she had time and knew the importance of lending a hand. I was encouraged and humbled.

Later today I will post about some of the endeavors we have this year. We are challenged by what we believe the Holy Spirit is calling us to do and encouraged as he equips us. We appreciate your love and support and thanks so much all you do.

Just a few thoughts from the Shack,



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