Question for Thought-what can you do at one time with four cups of delicious coffee served with great love ?

Well, it was another chilly one in the shack last night but not as cool. I was again grateful for the small, electric space heater that David Goolsby let me borrow from his office.

Yesterday afternoon was fun as we had the Fulgram family come paint on the box and then begin an effort to help me get out! They began to share with all their friends at Auburn United Methodist-especially the preschool children. So, I need some more paint brushes as I expect to have about 50+ children come out to share their artistic creativity on Wednesday. My house is becoming a combination of fun names, sunshine scenes and sprouting flowers. I will soon have the most colorful house on the block! Plus, getting to explain to children the importance of paint on the outside of a house really gets their little wheels spinning. I ask them if they have any grandparents which most say “yes”. Then I ask them how they would feel if all their grandparents were able to live in was the little shack. That really gets them thinking and then I’m able to explain that a lot of grandparents DO live in some of these hard spaces. It’s about the best I can do with a 4-5 year old but seems to be working a little. The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders do seem to catch on pretty well and seem eager to want to help.

The most I can discuss now is Alabama weather. I went from three layers of clothing this morning and hugging the fire pit to dealing with the sunburn and how hot it is. Here’s the funny thing-everyone knows I love coffee-I ended up with four very large cups this morning…they are sitting in the sun staying warm for later consumption. The breeze is very pleasant though so I definitely will not complain.

What did I learn? Well these two days have been about receiving in excess; coffee, food,-almost to the point of being overwhelmed. I was delivered donuts and then my real breakfast. I received three lunches yesterday which also included a piece of half eaten pizza, of course the coffee, and a few snacks. Fortunately I can manage it. But here is an interesting thought…what I really need to sustain me at this point…to get me out of my situation…is plain and simple…money. Let me put this in perspective before you get upset or I sound ungrateful. Many times we see a person in need and we think, oh, they need food or clothes, or some other tangible and before we ask them…we just give it to them. I remember a story another former staff person told me about a lady they served who had clothes piled up everywhere in her home. It made her appear like she hoarded items. When asked about them, she said “oh no…there are times I just open my door and there are all these bundles here…the same with food…I have no where to put them, feel bad to throw them away, and have no car to take them anywhere.” She doesn’t need food and clothing. What she really needs is a working car. Make sense?

The point is we take it upon ourselves to help; to THINK we know what a person needs or assume we know better what they need than they do-before we take the time to get to know them and ask them. That is where ministry becomes “to” or “for” a person versus establishing conversation, relationship, and a friendship and then it becoming ministry “with” a person.

So, that is my thought for the day. Certainly grateful for the wonderful commodities. They are making my time in the shack more bearable and comfortable-and of course my meals are a necessity but they’ve already been accommodated for (except that it is 1:30 and my lunch has not arrived yet) but they are not really getting me out of my present and current situation. Just some things to ponder as we continue to serve and share. $8000 left to get me out of the shack! (Oh, and thanks for all the great stuff!!!!)

Grace and peace,



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