This week we welcome quite a few teams to ARM: In Tuskegee we have Portland Nazarene from Nashville, TN staying with us the entire week. They will be stabalizing and resetting a house. They will be joined by a crew from 1st UMC Fort Payne during the week.

In Livingston, we welcome back Star Baptist Church. They will also be staying for a week. David and Amy Fortner are alumni of UWA and Amy was on our staff. They will be building a wheel chair ramp and serving with our day camp kids.

We pray they all have a great week as they serve!

A big thanks to Mrytle Grove UMC for all of their great work in Tuskegee last week! They worked on three different homes and did an amazing job. They were also joined by Trinity Prattville for a day. We appreciate all of their work!

We have two more weeks of teams before our summer winds up. Thanks for all of your help!



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