Mathew Halvorson, who attends Auburn University, served with us this past summer as one of our construction coordinators in Livingston, Al. Continue reading to hear about what this summer meant to him and his faith. We are so thankful for Mat and have loved having him serve with us! 

In my time serving with Alabama Rural Ministry, I have had the privilege of seeing and learning many things, none of which stands out more than this: that our God works to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine.  Serving in Livingston these past two summers has reminded me of God’s faithfulness.  We never had a perfectly smooth day during the summer, but we also never had a day in which God did not work through and on us.  When we go to work with a family to repair their house, we work with fellow sisters or brothers in Christ, who share with us all that God has done in their lives, testifying to Lord’s faithfulness and working a change within our hearts, within my heart.  Time and time again I was reminded of an early heart of the Methodist movement; being present with and working to relieve the burdens of those in physical poverty.  In this God has greater plans for our ministry, greater hopes for us to seek.  I pray that we can continue to follow this call, that the community around us may look more like the kingdom and we more like its citizens.

– Mathew Halvorson, Construction Coordinator 2015

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By: Mathew Halvorson, Construction Coordinator, Summer 2015



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