Day 5-Long, Cold Nights

Our current total is $63,434. Inching our way to the top!

Last night the sense of isolation was palpable. Despite the visits, when I went into my little shack…I felt oddly lonely and isolated. I longed to be home and able to see friends and family. I missed my colleagues even if they were coming to visit and shoot me a quick text to see how I was doing.

Being safer at home is about warm, safe and dry. I find it interesting that we use warm versus cool or even comfortable as our word of choice. In the South, having a cool home is equally as important as a warm one. I wonder if it is because warmth is more than a physical feeling, it is also an emotional feeling. Warmth is hospitality, openness, comfort, kindness, curious conversation, and empathy. Warmth is friendship and family.

So many single elderly adults feel isolated as they shelter at home and stay away from others. It can be depressing.

I think that is the value of our volunteers. They go and visit. Even if from a distance, they pray for and bless a family, they listen to their story, and show overall care. This generates wealth and well being.

We will set aside some time to visit our homeowners and check on them, to see how they are doing and any thing they might need. This is the impact of volunteer groups!

My prayer is you will help someone else out and combat the isolation you or someone else might be feeling! Whether doing home repair of some other form of kindness, think about the place of hospitality and how much it means to us and you.

To give: www.

Through VENMO: @arm-al

Stay tuned for more work days!



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