The Auburn Wesley Foundation held the first Super Mission Saturday or SMS with us on August 22. The Auburn Wesley Foundation is the United Methodist Church’s college ministry on Auburn University’s campus. We have been partnering with them for the past several years doing 2-3 Super Mission Saturdays during each semester. Many of our summer staff have come from the Wesley group and our partnership with them. They also helped launch our new student organization, ARM @ AU, which you can learn more about here. We had over 50 students come out and serve. These students worked with over 4 different families in Tuskegee, Camp Hill, Salem and Beauregard. Then 2 more groups worked with our current special projects, the Tuskegee Mission Hub, and the Maple St. House, which is the beginning of our first neighborhood revitalization project in Tuskegee. A lot of work was accomplished along with great fellowship. It was a very successful day and we are always thankful to get to work with the AU Wesley Students!


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